Friday, November 14, 2014

After a two week hiatus, I am back with more thoughts on the LTC changes to the Insurance Reports.  I have the initial development completed and committed to our repository, but with little data to test it on, there are some obvious errors when running the reports.  It should be fairly easy to go through the report with Erik and see what he wants to change.  Hopefully, we can get the majority of the changes into UAT for the testers early next week.

There was a minor issue with my estimate of the CDR.  I missed that they wanted to change some of the table columns depending on the account types.  (Annuities, Disability, and LTC all have different fields to show on the CDR.)  It was interesting that the client also requested a change to the disclaimers on their Rider Detail section on Tuesday (which I was able to accommodate).  However, overall, I am pleased with my estimate.  As long as the client doesn't request any other major changes, I think we will keep the reported issues on their side under 30 which is a win for everyone.

I also started working on showing the Validation Messages in the report hub for Book of Business. This will be a little bit of a trickier ticket.  I'm going to need to append to an existing dataset and build it up and then I think it will be fairly easy.  If all goes well, I will be done with that on Monday or Tuesday.  I have a feeling that it will get moved to the next build since it will be late and it involves a change to the report hub.

Finally, we began discussing a change to the hierarchy tree control which I think will be a good thing for everyone.  I am looking forward to putting in the work there to make sure that the tree works better than ever but doesn't lose all the functionality that currently exists.  Next week, I should have time to start looking at this.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Hello World!

As a programmer, the title of this first blog post is very appropriate.  I've never blogged before so I'm just letting the words flow and we'll see what comes out.  I really want to focus on self-improvement here.  This is sort of a dual purpose purpose blog: I am doing this as an Action Plan for my recently completed Leadership course from my Accelerated MBA program, and I am also doing this as a performance objective for my current work.

I just completed my first three classes (out of eleven) in my MBA program at IPFW.  I did really well in those courses and found that Management Science and Operational Research could be a possibility for a career change if the management track doesn't work out.  I really enjoyed learning from Dr. Gurgur, and I am hoping to pursue this work further with her in a potential side project after I complete my MBA program.

At work, I have been very focused on two large projects since the beginning of September.  First is the insurance report changes for Disability Income which went out with the September build.  Since then, I have been focused on output encoding which I completed this week, but I'm not sure when that will make it to production.  The rest of the week, I've been tying up a few loose ends including cleaning up my inbox and updating the new VM for the internet-facing development server.

Next week, I need to complete the LTC changes for the insurance reports.  I am hoping that I can avoid some of the issues that we had with the DI changes by paying attention to the spec.  Right now, I have 40+ hours scheduled for the QA period to clean up any issues that the client finds with the reports. My goal is to get the actual work associated with these closer to 20 hours by putting in the time next week.  Some of this is out of my control because it is unknown what the client will find and add to the reports, but I can do a little better at keeping to the spec.  It also helps that I understand the spec better.

I am really trying to develop my leadership abilities.  I need to be conscious of my nonverbal actions. I am currently enjoying working with the Business Review team and working with agile meetings to implement our fast track builds. I am hoping that we at Investigo can expand in the next few years which could possibly open up a leadership position for me.