Friday, November 14, 2014

After a two week hiatus, I am back with more thoughts on the LTC changes to the Insurance Reports.  I have the initial development completed and committed to our repository, but with little data to test it on, there are some obvious errors when running the reports.  It should be fairly easy to go through the report with Erik and see what he wants to change.  Hopefully, we can get the majority of the changes into UAT for the testers early next week.

There was a minor issue with my estimate of the CDR.  I missed that they wanted to change some of the table columns depending on the account types.  (Annuities, Disability, and LTC all have different fields to show on the CDR.)  It was interesting that the client also requested a change to the disclaimers on their Rider Detail section on Tuesday (which I was able to accommodate).  However, overall, I am pleased with my estimate.  As long as the client doesn't request any other major changes, I think we will keep the reported issues on their side under 30 which is a win for everyone.

I also started working on showing the Validation Messages in the report hub for Book of Business. This will be a little bit of a trickier ticket.  I'm going to need to append to an existing dataset and build it up and then I think it will be fairly easy.  If all goes well, I will be done with that on Monday or Tuesday.  I have a feeling that it will get moved to the next build since it will be late and it involves a change to the report hub.

Finally, we began discussing a change to the hierarchy tree control which I think will be a good thing for everyone.  I am looking forward to putting in the work there to make sure that the tree works better than ever but doesn't lose all the functionality that currently exists.  Next week, I should have time to start looking at this.

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